Thursday, February 5, 2009


Have you seen Etsy? Not Betsy, Etsy? This is a terrific website that describes itself as follows:
"Etsy is an online marketplace for buying & selling all things handmade. Our mission is to enable people to make a living making things, and to reconnect makers with buyers. Our vision is to build a new economy and present a better choice: Since our launch in June, 2005, over 100,000 sellers from around the world have opened up Etsy shops (online)." See:

Virtually anyone can join this community and open up a virtual shop to show and sell their handmade wares. And virtually anyone can visit these shops to buy what they want or need. Payment is facilitated by Paypal, credit card, or check.

Not a bad idea, eh? Would it work in the not for profit/volunteer sector, too? Could someone set up an Etsy-like website where thousands of not for profits had their own "shops" under the same "roof?" Where you could type in keywords ("Neighborhood beautification" "Transportation for Seniors," etc.) and find not for profits who describe what they do and what they need? Where you could contribute online or arrange to volunteer? One stop Can-Do shopping. Why not?

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