The Moment for National Service
President Obama used his Inaugural Address to summon the nation to “a new era of responsibility” and personal engagement to solve the nation’s problems. He set an example by spending part of the Martin Luther King Jr. holiday painting walls and furniture at a shelter for homeless teenagers.
As Mr. Obama recognizes, there are certain tasks that cannot be accomplished by volunteers showing up occasionally or contributing a few hours a week. Worthy service programs, like Teach for America, have too few slots to accommodate the rising number of applicants.
Now is the moment for the new president and Congress to harness the sense of idealism and unity evident amid the huge crowds that massed in the nation’s capital by greatly expanding the opportunities for sustained and productive national and community service.
A smart blueprint for doing exactly that was just introduced in the Senate by Edward Kennedy, the Massachusetts Democrat, and Orrin Hatch, Republican of Utah. Building on the ongoing success of AmeriCorps, Bill Clinton’s signature domestic service program, and relying on its administrative framework, their Serve America Act would rapidly expand the number of full-time and part-time national service volunteers eligible for minimal living expenses and a modest educational stipend at the end of an intensive year of work by 175,000 from the current level of 75,000.
The new positions would be devoted to meeting challenges in a handful of targeted areas: tackling the dropout crisis, strengthening schools, improving health care and economic opportunity in low-income communities, cleaning up parks, aiding efforts to boost energy efficiency, and responding to disasters and emergencies.
The Serve America Act is structured to invite participation by people of all income levels and ages, including retirees. It would offer tax incentives for employers who allow employees to take paid leave for full-time service, and permit older individuals to transfer their education awards to a child or grandchild. A new Volunteer Generation Fund would help nonprofit groups recruit and manage an expanding pool of volunteers.
Much as President Franklin Roosevelt created the Civilian Conservation Corps during the early days of his first term in 1933, Mr. Obama should tell Congress he considers the Serve America Act a top priority.
Truly, there is no reason for delay. The measure largely fleshes out ideas that Mr. Obama promoted on the campaign trail and that are currently posted on his White House Web site. In his previous job representing Illinois in the Senate, Mr. Obama co-sponsored the bill when it was proposed at the end of the last Congress.
Understandably, Mr. Obama is now concentrating on gaining quick passage of a $825 billion stimulus package aimed at creating new jobs and aiding the nation’s ailing economy. At a price tag of about $5 billion over five years, the Serve America Act is an apt companion piece.
Its prompt approval would create tens of thousands of meaningful new positions for people ready to work hard for the public good, making tangible the “spirit of service” Mr. Obama spoke of in his Inaugural Address.
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