Monday, February 2, 2009


Last night we watched Super Bowl commercials for cars, colas, and chips. Imagine if all those financial and creative resources had been harnessed to "sell" volunteerism and public service. (Actually there was one clever ad touting pet adoption; consider it a model.) The reality is, however, that we're not going to see too many plugs for volunteer initiatives, particularly local ones. Enter The Can-Do. We don't have the reach of television (yet!), but we are happy to help you to spread the word about initiatives in your community...and we'll do it for free. So let us know what kind of assistance you require and we'll post it here. For instance:

Our friend Joan, a tireless activist and a columnist for, has been volunteering at a soup kitchen in Evanston, Illinois, and could use your help. She writes: "Over the past weeks, it has become apparent that the people who come to the soup kitchen are in dire, dire straits. This last week I've been collecting winterwear - coats, scarves, hats, gloves, blankets, sweaters, boots. I filled my car trunk with stuff and brought it over today. It went literally within minutes. I could use more. In fact, the more the better. In particular, I could use men's items. At least at our soup kitchen, the Methodist Church on Church at Hinman, the clientele is disproportionately male and I couldn't stand the disappointed look on their faces when they come up and see only women's clothing available. I'd like to redress that balance, if I can.

"I'll happily fill my car as many times as it takes, every Thursday 'til spring, if people will clean out their closets and pass on no longer needed items. Again, I'll take anything, but I'm particularly interested in men's items. Someone donated some polarfleece blankets and those went in five seconds flat. Thank you in advance, everyone, for your help. You will earn double brownie points for cleaning out your closets and passing things on to someone who can really use it. People with stuff should arrange to contact me for a drop off. I'm in Skokie. Email me at"

And read Joan's thoughtful columns at:

1 comment:

  1. I live and work in New York City so your items about car mileage, filling trunks with clothing, etc. are great ideas for those who own cars; thank you and I'll pass the thoughts along to those I know who do. For people like me who acoustically transport ourselves, I have another suggestion. At my church, in addition to having a container for canned goods, there's a second collection every other week. Those who are able, put in a dollar or two, or five--and then we send a check to the food bank, or soup kitchen or other focus group. You'd be surprised how the small denominations of money add up and can help the receiving agent purchase what they particularly and seasonally need.
